6 Things To Get Things Going

6 Things To Get Things Going

All realities start in the head. I get an idea. The thoughts start running through my head.

They go something like this:

  • that sounds like fun
  • this does not feel like work at all
  • I could spend hours doing this
  • I could share this with people I love

I start to smile. Next, I begin to contemplate how to put this idea into action. Is this even doable?

Ideas into action

This is where the clouds begin to appear. Creating is a process. It can be learned. Unless I am a creator I may find the HOW very difficult and give up all too easily. That's why it is important to develop an awareness of what makes up this process and identify what it is that makes me feel uneasy. This is usually the part that will require most of my focus and determination. It is probably because I am not good at this - YET.

This leads to the next important issue associated with creation.

Procrastination - just do it attitude.

Sometimes making a decision takes the longest time. There are so many variables, so many possibilities. When I am faced with this situation, I make a list of options to be considered spending a little time thinking about the differences. If even then I cannot decide, I will leave it for a while - go for a walk, talk to someone, have fun or sleep on it. Usually, this is enough - it usually comes to me when I am not actively thinking about it. If this approach does not bring me to a clear winner, I toss a coin or put my options into a jar a choose blind.

That's it.

The decision has been made.


How to make it happen - goal setting.

So much has been written about the importance of goal-setting! Why so much fuss about it?

Let's put it this way - I need to get somewhere. I just need to work out how.

Am I going to get there if I get into a car? This occasionally happens when I am too distracted, and I just sit in the running car not knowing whether to turn left or right. Oh, I just remembered I needed to go to visit a friend in Edinburgh. NOW I know which way to turn. I can use GoogleDrive, a brilliant tool that tells me when to turn in which direction. NOW I know how long it will take me to get there. NOW I know how to organise my days ahead.

What is the point of this story? In order to get what we want, we first need to know WHAT it is, WHERE it is, HOW to get there, what will help me on the way (TOOLS) and how much time I need to dedicate to pursuing this plan (EXPECTATIONS).

More about the importance of goal setting can be found here.


A strategy is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty (Wikipedia). The term itself originates in the 6 century C.E. East Roman Empire. Then, strategy is related exclusively to military applications. However, then just like nowadays, strategical thinking involves making decisions involving setting long-term goals, taking actions required to achieve those, and mobilising the resources available. Very rarely the resources available are limitless. Frequently, it requires creative approaches to reach the goals.

The following question might help with business strategy planning:

  • what is my business? - website - shop front
  • where does it live - hosting
  • who are my customers
  • where do I find my customers
  • how do I talk to them
  • how do I let them know about me, about my shop, about my product
  • how do I deliver the products
  • all things legal and compliance


Tactics are an essential part of a strategy. Of anything, you are working towards, actually. Tactics are the steps required in order to achieve the desired outcome.

It is a game plan. It is a travel plan. It is a team plan.

Do you want your kids to behave so you have a blissful life with your partner? You must make a plan and both follow it otherwise the little rascals, no matter how lovely they are, will play you against each other.

Patterns. Predictability. Knowing what to expect.

What steps do I need to take to make my online business profitable?

  • Create a website to represent your business.
  • Create content that will provide value to my people.
  • Decide on the frequency of publishing/updating.
  • Schedule it on the calendar.
  • Respond to the client's questions.
  • Create a FAQ page for those who cannot wait for a reply.
  • Have an opt-in form so that your clients can sign up for updates about your business, offers, etc
  • Create coupons to encourage return clients.


Work ethic is something that gets the work done and appreciated by others. Building habits of focus, completing the tasks, staying motivated, and being determined to succeed are considered virtues by most employers. Most employees will manifest this kind of work ethic to their employers.

When working for yourself, at home and perhaps on your own, it helps to have tools and processes in place to help on the journey to success.

I distinctly remember a moment when I decided to make a transition from an employee to a business owner. There was a time when I worked so hard, so many hours, not having time for myself, my family, or friends while my employer was reaping the benefits...

The thought popped in my head - what if I spent as much time and effort building my own dream instead of building someone else's? It all began in my head...