How to get things done

How to get things done

This concept changed everything.

I'm still fairly new to the personal development space. It doesn't come naturally to me but I'm always trying to embrace it. Perhaps you have heard the saying - you cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Things have got to change. I don't always know how but I'll let the universe guide me and listen for the clues.

Most of my learning has come through overcoming adversity. That has given me the values that other people possibly gain through reading and listening to mindset material. There is one concept, however, that ultimately changed my life. It has everything to do with my outlook.

Through years and years of blood, sweat, and tears balancing a career with family life and trying to find a suitable additional income stream to give me more freedom, I always had one huge excuse... TIME!

When I erased the phrase 'I don't have time for that' from my brain and replaced it with 'that's not my priority', everything changed.

Rather than constantly fighting to fit everything in, do it all well, multi-task, keep everyone happy but ultimately achieve none of those things, I began to look at things from a different angle. Women are especially good at this.

Instead, I started focusing on the tasks that would bring me the greatest results in the areas most important to me and letting go of the things that really weren't as important as they seemed. No need to be perfect.

Suddenly things were either a priority or they were not. Time was irrelevant and certainly no longer an excuse!

If it was a priority there was no reason for it not to be done, no excuse whatsoever! If it was so important, it was getting done. Otherwise, clearly, it wasn't that important.

Once you adopt this approach, getting involved in anything - property, investing, online business - becomes so much easier.

You give yourself no choice but to succeed to realise all the benefits that go with it, such as the priceless time and freedom, not working for someone else.



fairly new to the personal development space. It doesn't come naturally to me but I'm always trying to embrace it. Perhaps you have heard the saying - you cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Things have got to change. I don't always know how but I'll let the universe guide me and listen for the clues.

Most of my learning has come through overcoming adversity. That has given me the values that other people possibly gain through reading and listening to mindset material. There is one concept, however, that ultimately changed my life. It has everything to do with my outlook.

Through years and years of blood, sweat, and tears balancing a career with family life and trying to find a suitable additional income stream to give me more freedom, I always had one huge excuse... TIME!

When I erased the phrase 'I don't have time for that' from my brain and replaced it with 'that's not my priority', everything changed.

Rather than constantly fighting to fit everything in, do it all well, multi-task, keep everyone happy but ultimately achieve none of those things, I began to look at things from a different angle. Women are especially good at this.

Instead, I started focusing on the tasks that would bring me the greatest results in the areas most important to me and letting go of the things that really weren't as important as they seemed. No need to be perfect.

Suddenly things were either a priority or they were not. Time was irrelevant and certainly no longer an excuse!

If it was a priority there was no reason for it not to be done, no excuse whatsoever! If it was so important, it was getting done. Otherwise, clearly, it wasn't that important.

Once you adopt this approach, getting involved in anything - property, investing, online business - becomes so much easier.

You give yourself no choice but to succeed to realise all the benefits that go with it, such as the priceless time and freedom, not working for someone else.