Yellow Brick Formula - Free Masterclass.

Yellow Brick Formula - Free Masterclass.

Legendary Sean Donahoe comes out of semi-retirement.

The first thought that might enter your mind is - who does that? !

The thing is, when you are good at something, especially when that something is quite straightforward to do and isn't time-consuming, there is only so much relaxing you can do.

It is natural to want to contribute to society and help others to get to the same fortunate position as oneself.

With the cost-of-living expenses rising and salaries lagging, it is hard for a lot of families to keep up.

Hence coming out of retirement and wanting to teach that special skill to others.

Sean Donahoe has been using this method for the last 24 years and has perfected it, systemized it and approached it with a business mindset. As such, the entry level of risk is kept minimal.

Why would he claim that?

It is because it is possible to do without experience, products or services, websites, traffic, and with minimal risk.

The only business that works with the above pre-requisites is trading.

There are quite a few providers of courses on how to trade the markets.

I am sure you have come across a few of those.

So, did I.

Whilst I believe all those work in their own way, learning about the meaning of the charts, indicators, watching the financial news, watching the markets move, and everything else in between was overwhelming and time-consuming for me.

I did not carry through.

It was unsustainable and did not fit in with my life.

What Is Different About Sean Donahoe's Method?

Sean Donahoe is very confident that anyone who can follow instructions can do it!

The key here is ‘to follow instructions'.

This is one thing that makes a difference in whether a person is successful at their new venture or not.

If you do what you are told, you will be successful. And, if you give it enough time.

There is a learning curve, of course.

As with anything new, you learn the steps, then you go and practice. You stick with it until it is second nature. Like driving.

Statistically speaking, ex-military are extremely successful at this because they don't question what is being said to them - they just do it.

Yellow Brick Formula requires just one skill (or process).

It is a check-list based trading method that requires less than 60 minutes a day of time commitment.

It is focused on a particular segment of trading space, called Microcaps.

Microcaps are newly launched Cryptos, which happens almost daily.

They are a lot smaller than Bitcoin (and therefore cheaper and more accessible).

Microcaps are great, because:

  1. These are emerging projects and businesses
  2. There's a limited public awareness
  3. There's limited liquidity and volatility
  4. They are decentralized

This strategy works regardless of what is happening in the economy. It is in DEFI (decentralized) space, which means it is disconnected from the Bitcoin fluctuations, S&P500 etc.

This is the core reason for focusing on this ONE strategy.

The requirements to be successful at it are:

  1. Building a combination of micro-skills and put them into a proven process
  2. The ability to follow instructions
  3. Business-like approach
  4. Determination, perseverance and focus

I used to think there is too much risk involved. However, you are actively encouraged to practice the skills in a demo account for at least 30 days and once you convince yourself that you can do it (let's face it, most of us hold a lot of baggage in our heads), then you can start slowly.

This is what I am doing.

It is a methodical approach to trading a very specific part of the markets in a very specific way. Yes, sometimes you lose, but it is ok. Overall, the gains supersede the losses.

Sean Donahue runs a series of 5 live masterclasses where he shows off his systems, his tools and his rules.

We get to watch over the shoulder of a legend.

It is too good of an opportunity to miss. Check it out HERE.